Experimentation without risk: how smaller insurers can be ready for a big opportunity

The last few years have seen an acceleration of digitisation among insurance providers—driven by the global pandemic, changing customer expectations, and increased pressure from tech companies entering the insurance space. It’s a world ripe for disruption; as long as you’re positioned to take advantage of it. In order to seize this opportunity, insurance companies must […]

Achieving the end-to-end transformation of a leading insurance provider


Achieving end-to-end transformation of a leading insurance provider Achieving end-to-end transformation of a leading insurance provider Axe Group The situation: Our client is a leading global provider of life insurance solutions for companies, super funds, and individuals—operating in the United States, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. However, despite their global footprint, their retail […]

Is now the time for your insurance company to re-platform?

If ever there was a time for insurance companies to consider re-platforming, it’s today. By  Adam Hargreaves : 14th of April 2023 Although, historically, insurers didn’t pay as much mind to the business threat outdated insurance platforms posed, times are certainly changing. One report from the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation found that insurers identified […]

Minimum Loveable Products Trump Minimum Viable Products for Customer Affections

How happy should we expect end-users to be to settle for an insurance product that’s just viable? Instead aim for a Minimum Loveable Product! By Adam Hargreaves : 13th of April 2023 For insurers who want to introduce product ideas early in the product development cycle, traditionally the fast way to do so is by […]

The big impact of small changes

By adopting a strategic outlook on the small changes you can deliver more positive long-term outcomes. By Martin Stewart : 11th of April 2023 Many insurance companies prefer to make small changes with big impacts over big changes with small impacts. But how can they ensure that these small changes significantly impact their businesses in […]

Ensuring your insurance business model is prepared for the future.

A new vision of insurance – picking a business model that will see you thrive By Martin Stewart : 15th of February 2022 If there’s one thing insurers understand, it’s that the unexpected can happen. But no one could have foreseen exactly how the last couple of years would play out for our world. The […]

Why it’s worth getting comfortable with experimentation

By Martin Stewart : 11th of September 2021 Put simply, experimentation is the engine that drives innovation. It allows you to transform data into action to create a better experience for your customers. Look at the leaders in every field — Uber, Google, Amazon, Apple. They’re innovators. Companies whose experimentations have paid off, ushering in […]

21 signs your traditional insurance business model is a gamble

A large proportion of your gross written premium (GWP) is for manually assessed risks You cannot analyse claims costs against policies written for each rating factor. You can’t measure quickly whether a change in your sales offering has had a positive or negative impact on your bottom line. There is an excessive concentration of risk […]

Why COOs are the perfect pilots of digital transformation

There’s no better pioneer for innovation than the Chief Operations Officer By Martin Stewart : 24th of August 2021 When it comes to spearheading your next phase of commercial growth, there’s no better pioneer for innovation than the Chief Operations Officer (COO). As we lie on the cusp of a post-pandemic world, every company within […]