Solving the challenge of insurance accessibility

A new study has revealed that Australia lags woefully behind other countries when it comes to life insurance accessibility and affordability—with a score of 0.47—well below the advanced market average of 0.67 and even that among emerging markets of 0.53. Concerningly, almost half of Australians currently have no life insurance policy—and no intention of getting […]

Experimentation without risk: how smaller insurers can be ready for a big opportunity

The last few years have seen an acceleration of digitisation among insurance providers—driven by the global pandemic, changing customer expectations, and increased pressure from tech companies entering the insurance space. It’s a world ripe for disruption; as long as you’re positioned to take advantage of it. In order to seize this opportunity, insurance companies must […]

Achieving the end-to-end transformation of a leading insurance provider


Achieving end-to-end transformation of a leading insurance provider Achieving end-to-end transformation of a leading insurance provider Axe Group The situation: Our client is a leading global provider of life insurance solutions for companies, super funds, and individuals—operating in the United States, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. However, despite their global footprint, their retail […]

The big impact of small changes

By adopting a strategic outlook on the small changes you can deliver more positive long-term outcomes. By Martin Stewart : 11th of April 2023 Many insurance companies prefer to make small changes with big impacts over big changes with small impacts. But how can they ensure that these small changes significantly impact their businesses in […]

How to establish the right insurance business model

It’s not as simple as selecting from a suite of pre-set options. By Martin Stewart : 12th of September 2021 When it comes to creating your insurance business model, it’s not as simple as selecting from a suite of pre-set options. Instead, you should assess the various key components involved and then piece them together […]

Why it’s worth getting comfortable with experimentation

By Martin Stewart : 11th of September 2021 Put simply, experimentation is the engine that drives innovation. It allows you to transform data into action to create a better experience for your customers. Look at the leaders in every field — Uber, Google, Amazon, Apple. They’re innovators. Companies whose experimentations have paid off, ushering in […]

Technology is the key to transformation

Digital transformation is the catalyst for success The key to unlocking value through insurer transformation By Martin Stewart : 24th of August 2021 If the past few years have shown us anything, it’s that digital transformation is the catalyst for success. And in turn, technology is the key to transformation. Without technology, insurers exist upon […]

Why partnering with insurtech will fast track value creation

Modernisation is no longer an option—it’s an inevitability The development of customer-facing technology has taken priority over fundamental backend processes. By Martin Stewart : 17th of June 2021 Modernisation is no longer an option—it’s an inevitability. However, it hasn’t always been a holistic pursuit for the insurance industry. Instead, the development of customer-facing technology has […]

Rethink, don’t reboot your commercial insurance systems

We’re all familiar with Uber, Zoom and Google. They make our lives easier, make accessing products and services seamless and are effortless to use. By Martin Stewart : 31st of December 2020 But the challenge for commercial insurers is that because of the innovation these companies have created, every customer, decision-maker and stakeholder now expect […]