Minimum Loveable Products Trump Minimum Viable Products for Customer Affections
How happy should we expect end-users to be to settle for an insurance product that’s just viable? Instead aim for a Minimum Loveable Product! By Adam Hargreaves : 13th of April 2023 For insurers who want to introduce product ideas early in the product development cycle, traditionally the fast way to do so is by […]
The big impact of small changes
By adopting a strategic outlook on the small changes you can deliver more positive long-term outcomes. By Martin Stewart : 11th of April 2023 Many insurance companies prefer to make small changes with big impacts over big changes with small impacts. But how can they ensure that these small changes significantly impact their businesses in […]
How tech can help restore customer trust in insurers
The financial services industry has taken a big hit when it comes to consumer trust. By Martin Stewart : 24th of December 2020 In the aftermath of the Banking Royal Commission, a third of Australians say they’ve lost trust in their banks, and that has serious flow-on repercussions for related companies like insurers. Scandals within […]
Customer Experience tips for Insurers
Where do you start? By Martin Stewart : 21st of September 2019 Investment in customer experience is accelerating across every industry, not just insurance, with 81% of marketing leaders expecting customer experience to be the main battleground for competition by 2020 – and they’re not wrong. A McKinsey study found that 70% of customers base their opinion of a company on […]
Five insurance sales lessons from Amazon
What can Insurers learn from Amazon? By Martin Stewart : 12th of September 2019 According to the World Insurance Report, almost 30% of consumers would be willing to buy insurance from tech giants like Amazon and Google. If that’s not alarming you yet, consider this: this figure has almost doubled since 2015. It’s clear proof that […]
Great design is not easy
Why great UX is hard to do And how to make it easier Does it seem like everyone is getting on the UX bandwagon, without really knowing why? By Martin Stewart : 4th of December 2018 This may sound a little controversial given how much focus is placed on better UX design, but I believe […]